The linen set is framed with seven "bourdons" (grey blue set: grey blue "bourdons", white-blue set: forget-me-not blue "bourdons", royal blue set: royal blue "bourdons") The napkin is not embroidered with one "bourdon" Size: placemat: 37x47cm, napkin: 45x45cm Made in France
A" bulgomme" pad, covered with a white cotton percale enveloppe, to protect the table and add a confort feeling under the plates. Size is adapted to the placemat. Size: 34x44 cm (for machine embroidered placemat) or 38x48 cm (for hand embroidered placemat)
The linen placemat is embroidered on each corner with handmade pinstitched. The napkin is embroidered on one corner, same finishing as the mat.Size: place mat = 37x47cm, napkin = 45x45cm
The linen set is framed with seven "bourdons" The napkin is not embroidered with one "bourdon" Size: placemat: 37x47cm, napkin: 45x45cm Made in France
The linen placemat is embroidered all over, "jours" finish The napkin is embroidered on one corner same finishing as the mat.Size: place mat = 37x47cm, napkin = 45x45cm Made in France
The linen placemat is embroidered on one side, with "bourdon finishing". The napkin is embroidered on one corner, same finishing as the mat.Size: placemat = 37x47cm, napkin = 45x45cm. Made in France
The linen placemat is embroidered on each corner with "bourdon" finishing.The napkin is embroidered on one corner, same finishing as the mat.Size: place mat = 37x47cm, napkin = 45x45cmMade in France
The linen placemat has 2 lines of a white ribbon application on each side of the placemat with stiched at the hem The napkin has the same finishing as the mat Size: place mat: 37x47cm, napkin: 45x45cm
The linen place mat is embroidered on one side, with stiched at the hem. The napkin is embroidered on one corner, same finishing as the mat Size: place mat: 37x47cm, napkin: 45x45cm
The linen batist place mat is all hand embroidered, handmade pinstitched. The napkin is embroidered on one corner, same finishing as the mat Size: rectangular place mat: 38x50cm or round 45 cm, napkin: 45x45cm
The linen batist place mat is hand embroidered all around, handmade pinstitched. The napkin is embroidered on one corner, same finishing as the mat Size: rectangular place mat: 38x50cm or round 45 cm, napkin: 45x45cm
The linen batist place mat is hand embroidered on one side, handmade pinstitched. The napkin is embroidered on one corner, same finishing as the mat Size: place mat: 38x50cm, napkin: 45x45cm